Nothing but the web

We believe in the vision of “nothing but the web” — where business applications are delivered over the Internet and accessed in a web browser. Why? We believe the web brings substantial benefits for companies that no other IT model can — in simplicity, cost, security, flexibility and pace of innovation.

Of course, we recognize that some companies have substantial investments in legacy technology — desktop applications or client/server applications which they’re using every day. We’d like to understand what it will take to move these apps to the web.

Are you a business app developer?

Do you build or maintain business applications– either internally for your company or for sale to other companies? We’d love to hear more about your apps, tools and what types of challenges you have. Please fill out this short survey and let us know whether you’d be interested in a potential HTML5 training class.

Are you a business user or IT administrator?

We’d love to hear what apps you’re still using in your business which haven’t yet moved to the web and why. Please fill out this short survey.

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