Infinite City: A ‘Fanciful’ Atlas of San Francisco

Book cover: Infinite City

San Francisco Public Press covers the launch of Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas. “The collection of fanciful maps of the city combines disparate but creatively juxtaposed items such as World War II shipyards and African-American political and musical landmarks,” says the article. “The book is part of a project started as a collaboration for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s 75th anniversary celebration. Author Rebecca Solnit worked with artists and mapmakers to issue six broadside copies of maps, with each release linked to live art events. The broadsides grew into this expanded compendium.”

San Francisco Tweetography: Twitter Landscapes

Our geo-located twitter data mined from San Francisco has now been processed to create a new look at the city.

Processed by Fabian Neuhaus, a PhD student here at CASA, University College London, the new city twitter topography creates a unique new media landscape. The data is mined via our ‘Tweet-O-Meter’ system (soon to be seen in physical form in the British Library) which collects all geo-located tweets within a 30km radius of world cities.

You can view a full screen Google Maps style version of San Francisco over at Urban Tick as well as the previous maps of London, New York, Munich, Paris and Moscow.