Google Places: Updated Bulk Upload Tool

Google Places has rolled out a new Google Places Bulk Upload Tool. Here are two videos, the first is for already bulk upload verified users explaining differences from the current tool and the second is a tutorial for new users explaining the tool in detail:

When you log into the upload feature inside of the Dashboard there will be a 9 page tutorial about the new features however it is not yet working:

Now playing: Faster movie search on Android and iPhone

With the December movie season in full swing, we’ve just made it even faster and easier to discover movies, showtimes and theaters, all from your smartphone. Now when you search for [movies] or your favorite theater like [century san francisco] on from your phone, you’ll see interactive results for movies in a new swipeable ribbon, with the most relevant information displayed at the top of the page.

For each movie, you’ll see the movie poster, a short summary, ratings and the nearest theaters and showtimes. Designed to help you quickly browse what’s playing in theaters now, this information instantly updates as you slide through the movie posters — no need to wait for a page to load or to use the back button.

To learn more about a movie, tap the movie title to find details like the cast and a full summary. And if you see a play button on the movie poster, you can tap to view the official trailer. You can even buy tickets directly from your smartphone by tapping on underlined showtimes — and skip past those long holiday box office lines!

So the next time you head out to see sagas of vampires, the world’s biggest Muppets fan, dancing penguins or nearly impossible heists, try the new interactive results for movies by visiting on your iOS or Android phone’s browser and searching for [movies], [theaters] or a movie title. This feature is available in English, in the US.

(Cross-posted on the Inside Search blog)

Apple Shows New Map Tiles in iPhoto for iOS

So you may have heard, Apple released something today. Well in addition to hardware, Apple released iPhoto for iOS. Looking around at it you can see Apple has included maps. But whose maps are they? Take a look…

Apple Maps 1

The new map tiles from Apple. This is the deepest zoom.

Apple Maps 2

Eastern seaboard of the USA in the new Apple map style

I’ve looked around the app and I don’t see any credits page where Apple lets us know where the maps came from. As with everything, I’m sure we’ll learn the details soon.

Looks like Apple has a nice tile API:

@mpanzarino This is where the connections are going to:…

— Holger Eilhard (@holgr) March 7, 2012

@mpanzarino This is where the connections are going to: http:... on Twitpic