The Garmin’s Course Creator

With today’s Garmin Connect update, navigation on bike lanes, running and hiking trails, and walking paths just got a whole lot easier. Gone are the days when you’d have to stop during your best trail run, epic hike or cycling adventure to take out your paper trail map and double check that you are headed down the right path. Now you
can use our Course


Creator – and with a few simple mouse clicks you can draw your route using Google maps, save it and send it directly to your compatible

Garmin device. With Google maps, you can even show your local bike lanes in Kona, HI, jogging paths through Central Park, and even hiking trails in Whistler, BC to name a few great destinations!

Once your course is saved, you can allow it to be stored publicly for users around theworld to view and they can send to their devices so they can experience your favorite route as well. This feature, we call Explore, is great when travelling to a new city, away on business or for those who want to break their same old routine and try a new route.


You’ll also notice an improved ability to zoom on our number of detailed graphs when analyzing your most recent adventure.


Google Earth: High-resolution imagery in Antarctica

As Google has continually improved the quality of their imagery across the globe, one area always seemed to stay low-res — Antarctica. Thanks to the help of the Polar Geospatial Center (PCG), that’s beginning to change.

A great example of that is the Mackay Glacier Tongue, located in Granite Harbor, seen here:


You can see it for yourself, as shown in the article, using this KML file.

So far, the PGC has helped Google update nearly 1,000,000 square kilometers, with another 275,000 square kilometers added every three months. While it will take a while to get the entire continent updated (more than 14,000,000 sq km), they’re certainly making great progress.

Along with updating the quality of the imagery, they’re also working to improve the accuracy of the location of the imagery. The PGC’s Paul Morin will be heading down to the Antarctic Peninsula soon to help improve the imagery from being off by as much as 30 meters to being accurate within a single meter.

The full article at The Antarctic Sun is quite interesting and well worth your time to read. We all enjoy the constantly improving imagery quality in Google Earth, and the PGC is just one of many companies working with Google to help move things forward.

(via @OgleEarth)

Lipton on Missing It


Don’t mumble your life away.”

– Ethan Lipton (1971 – )
American music artist, playwright

Beginning at the top of the next hour and through the next 48, challenge yourself (and your team)…

When you begin a discussion with a customer, prospect, or colleague, give that individual your complete attention until the issue at hand has been fully addressed.

Every single discussion. Every single interaction. The entire 48-hour period.

Don’t let a phone call interrupt an in-person conversation. Don’t let your email distract you from a phone call. Don’t let a passerby, instant messenger, ithing, droid, or berry take your attention away from someone standing right in front of you (or on the phone).

Remember… Sales is an interpersonal profession.