Излезе Bulgaria OFRM Geotrade 5.60

Новата версия 5.60 на карта OFRM Geotrade вече е на разположение на всички клиенти. Както винаги, екипът изразява специални благодарности на всички, които му изпратиха информация за открити неточности по предходната версия на картата, помагайки активно за нейното прецизиране!

А ето и кратко резюме на новостите във версия 5.60:

Увеличено детайлно покритие

  • Обогатена е наличната информация за търсене по адрес (улица и номер) с 6 нови населени места; за търсене по номер на блок с 1 ново населено място и за търсене по име на улица/кръстовище с 3 нови населени места.
  • Добавени са много черни пътища, пътеки, велосипедни пътеки и интересни места (POI) сред природата.
  • Добавена е автомагистрала Люлин


Фотореалистични изгледи на пътни разклонения

От версия 5.60 започва добавянето на фотореалистични изгледи на пътни разклонения. Те се появяват преди да бъде достигнато до пътното разклонение и осигуряват фотореалистична представа как изглежда въпросното разклонение, като съдържат и указателни табели за пътните ленти.



Уверени, че версия 5.60 на карта ОФРМ Геотрейд ще бъде още по-удобна и полезна за все по-широк кръг от потребители, екипът Ви пожелаваме приятни и безопасни пътувания из България!



Designing Maps Applications for Usability on Mobile and Desktop

Maps API applications are accessed on desktop and mobile devices of many shapes and sizes with each application having unique goals for conveying information effectively and for facilitating user interactions.

In this session, we wanted to address some common usability problems that many maps developers run into and to suggest possible solutions that could correct the behaviour. We hoped developers would utilize and build upon these suggestions as they encounter problems in their own projects.

Here is an overview of what was discussed in the talk:

  • Why is usability important and why you should care.
  • What are the differences between mobile and desktop and how do they relate to map applications.
  • Techniques for changing the way data is represented on the map and how can change the experience.
  • Ideas for improving user interaction with the map.
  • Techniques for storing geospatial data.
  • Why incorporating sharing into your application improves usage and user happiness.
  • How changing the appearance of the map can dramatically change the user’s understanding and interpretation of the data.

Justin O’Beirne joined us onstage to talk about map styling and how even the most subtle changes to the map can drastically change the user’s experience. Below is an example of what can be achieved by using styled maps. The two maps are at the same location and have the same data points but the map on the left has had a custom style applied.

By removing the map labels and decreasing the saturation and lightness we are able to emphasise the importance of the data, make it more visually appealing and build a application that is truly our own. If you would like to play more with map styling check out the styled map wizard.

The Changes Feed in the Documents List API

We’re announcing the availability of the Changes feed in the Documents List API. This feed makes it easier to detect resources that have changed.

Currently, clients needing to sync resources between Google Docs and other systems or device often encounter a number of issues detecting changes to resources via the API. Clients typically query for all resources modified after a given date. This date is denoted by the app:edited field of a resource entry. However, this field is not updated in all cases the client may care about, for instance if a resource is shared. In addition, querying for all resources modified after a given date does not produce entries for resources that have been deleted. This leads to very complex implementations of change detection by clients. These complex implementations usually have race conditions, and require a large volume of data to be exchanged with the API.

The Changes feed simplifies this process by providing resource entries only for changed resources. If a resource occurs in the Changes feed at all, the occurrence indicates a change to the resource. Once all changes are consumed, clients can store an identifier of the last change consumed. This identifier is called a changestamp. Future queries to the Changes feed with a changestamp will only return changes occurring after the given changestamp.

To start using the Changes feed, make an authorized HTTP GET request to the following URI:


The response from the API includes a Google Data API feed of resources that have changed:

    Project tasks

Fields shown in this example response are discussed in detail in the updated developer guide.