Simplifed quota management for Google Project Hosting

We just released a change to simplify how we manage disk space for open source projects hosted on Google Code.

Previously, we enforced disk quota on a component-by-component basis. For example, source code used to have a 2-GB limit and downloads used to have a separate 2-GB limit. As of today, we’re announcing a single disk quota limit of 4 GB for an entire project. From now on, you can decide how to best use the unified quota across your whole project.

Happy hacking!

By Tony Zale, Google Developer Programs

Come From The Land Down Under….

Along with an unintended tan from the Brisbane sun and a serious sense of awe at how large golden silk orb-weavers are, I came home from (LCA) 2011 with a bunch of new ideas from the plethora of terrific talks at the conference. You can find videos of most of the talks on the conference wiki but I have to call out some of my favorites here.

First and foremost, Vint Cerf, Googler and co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols, gave a thoughtful and humorous keynote on where he thinks the internet is going, and what we need to do to get it there. Despite widely held concern around the rapidly decreasing number of available IP addresses, his deeply informed take on the situation was characteristically upbeat.

While Google has released more that 20 million lines of open source code through the years, we’re always trying to release more. My colleagues Dan Bentley and Daniel Nadasi gave an extremely useful talk about Make Open Easy (MOE), their program within Google to make the process for Googlers to open source code as fast and easy as possible, and how this methodology might be used by other businesses. They also talked about the challenges a project faces in trying to be useful to both the public and the internal teams that depend on it.

Last but far from least, I was wowed on Thursday by Paul Gardner-Stephen’s talk on “The Serval BatPhone: Making Mesh Mobile Telephony Practical, Anywhere, Any Time.” Especially in light of recent catastrophic weather events in Australia, the potential to free cellular phone communication from the constraints of significant and expensive infrastructure is hugely exciting.

This LCA, completely relocated because of extensive flooding 10 days before opening, was one for the record books. As always, LCA was stimulating, exhausting, warm, and a wonderfully well-organized meeting of over 700 curious minds.

Zombies Invade Google Street View

If all the commuters zombie-walking their way to work every morning aren’t enough proof that your hood is infested with the undead, check out Streetview Zombie Apocalypse.

Yes, this Google Street View-integrated game is a little on the buggy side, but it’s still fun to see Salad Fingers-esque zombies prancing through the streets. But if you frequently have nightmares about zombies (totally not referring to myself here), then it’s kind of unsettling.

Check it out if Organ Trail did not succeed in sating your hunger.

Also, click here for some mood music (relevant lyrics: “I was afraid I’d eat your brains/’Cause I’m evil”).